العودة   منتديات حاسبكو المتخصصة بمادة الحاسب الآلي > حاسبكو برامج الكمبيوتر والانترنت > قسم الدروس والبرامج المشروحه


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قديم 08-25-2024, 05:03 PM   #1
Asmaa pathways
حاسبكو مبتدئ
الصورة الرمزية Asmaa pathways
افتراضي Course: Scientific and practical practices in writing reports and correspondence

Program overview Writing reports and correspondence is considered one of the special forms of written communication, and some may think that it is a routine process that is useless in improving the process. administrative, but it is important to know the great results that this process leads to, which negate the previous belief, and through this course we learn about There are many rules that must be followed when writing reports and correspondence, which make it an effective means of communication that leads to the development and improvement of administrative work.

Code:- 1065 City: Doha Hotel:- Hotel hall Start: 10/27/2024 End: 10/31/2024 Language:- Arabic

Training consultant :- Asmaa Saber

To communicate:- Email:- asmaa@pathwaysq8.com WhatsApp:- https://wa.me/201033289151
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