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الدعم الفني واقتراحات الاعضاء هذا لقسم مخصص لكل ما يتعلق باقتراحات وشكاوي الأعضاء الكرام في المنتدى

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قديم 09-02-2024, 05:08 PM   #1
Asmaa pathways
حاسبكو مبتدئ
الصورة الرمزية Asmaa pathways
افتراضي Digital transformation of documents and archives from traditional information systems

بر 02, 2024

*Importance of the training program:-*

There is no doubt that the characteristic of our era is digitization, which means the transformation of the traditional methods used to electronic preservation systems. This transformation requires identifying all existing methods and methods and choosing what is appropriate for the environment requesting this transformation. The transition to digital is not a trend that will die with the passage of time, but rather it has become necessary to solve many contemporary problems, the most important of which is eliminating government red tape and the complexity of procedures in light of the move to e-government, as well as eliminating the problem of overcrowding in storage and the difficulty of retrieval. Based on this, this workshop was developed to be the first cognitive building block or the beginning of knowledge towards the path of transformation from which it is time for us to move forward together into the era of digitalization.*

To know the training content and the technical and financial offer, contact us via:

E-mail:- asmaa@pathwaysq8.com*

WhatsApp:- https://wa.me/201033289151*
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