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الدعم الفني واقتراحات الاعضاء هذا لقسم مخصص لكل ما يتعلق باقتراحات وشكاوي الأعضاء الكرام في المنتدى

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قديم 08-28-2024, 03:20 PM   #1
Asmaa pathways
حاسبكو مبتدئ
الصورة الرمزية Asmaa pathways
افتراضي Maintenance and operation management courses and programs

Since our beginning, we have had a noble mission and worked hard to achieve it. Start with us. Pathways Training and Consulting Company invites you to participate in training courses that include:-
1-The integrated program in the maintenance of facilities and installations
2- Advanced systems for implementing and evaluating planned and preventive maintenance work and raising their efficiency using computerized CMMS systems 3-Technology for self-maintenance of equipment and fault analysis for technicians
4- Modern maintenance and operation management concepts and excellence in contract management
5- Supervising maintenance workshops and planning and scheduling their operations
6-Financial management for maintenance and cost reduction
7- Advanced systems for planning, scheduling, monitoring, evaluating and developing comprehensive maintenance work in accordance with international standards
8- Improving the functional performance of stop-start maintenance using the value approach

9- Modern techniques for engineering inspection, managing programmed and emergency maintenance work, and preparing reports
10- Programmed maintenance management systems

Training consultant :- Asmaa Saber

To contact:-
WhatsApp:- https://wa.me/201033289151

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