لا يوجد جواب: بليز ساعدوني c++
صباحكم خير
اليوم الدكتوره نزلت 3 واجبات في مادةة الحاسب بالذات برنامج الـ c++
وبتحط عليها درجات المشاركه وانا مو عارفه كيف احلها ولا فاهمه شي ابدن
فـ ياليت احد ااذا يقدر يحلها يساعدني ويحلها الله يسعدكم
هذا الواجب الأول
Assignment # 2
Students Instructions:
Solve all questions. Write on A4 size white paper only.
This assignment covers chapter 3 & 4
The assignment has 2 marks
Student Name:……………………… Student ID:……………… Group Number…….
Find the errors and write the correct program
# include(iostream)
int x; y:
cout<<”enter the two number: ”;
cout<”the sum is: “<<x+y;
Write these equation by C++ programming languages:
a) b) 2A2C3 – 7X + 3Y c) A(B+C(D
Write a C++ program to print the student’s ID number, Name, age and Phone number on the monitor.
Write a C++ Program to find Sum and Average of two integer numbers.
Write a C++ Program to find area of a square.
Write a C++ program to find the largest among three numbers.
وهذا التاني
Assignment # 3
Students Instructions:
Solve all questions. Write on A4 size white paper only.
This assignment covers chapter 5
The assignment has 2 marks
Student Name:……………………… Student ID:……………… Group Number…….
Write the output for this program:
# include<iostream.h>
int i;
for(i=3 ; i<=10 ; i+=3)
cout<< i << “\t”;
Write a C++ program to display first 10 odd numbers.
Write a program that uses a for statement to calculate and print the product of the odd integers from 1 to 15.
Write a C++ program to print a multiplication table from 2 to 12.
الله يسعدكم فرحوني وساعدوني بحلها ليا يومين احاول افهم وأحل ماعرفت
وشكرا للكل مقدما ...